Starting the rover

Starting the rover is not a very complicated procedure. First, you need to ssh into the TX2, then start rover.launch. This process is detailed below.

SSH-ing to rover

To ssh into the rover, use $ ssh ubuntu@<ip>

The IP depends on which TX2 is currently being used. If it is marked on top of the TX2, use it otherwise refer to this table.

TX2 Desc Ip Address
On Rover

Once on the rover, navigate to ~/URC-18

Starting rover launchfile

First, ensure ros is properly sourced with $ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash Next, source the rover’s setup file with $ source rosws/devel/setup.bash

Finally, start the rover software with roslaunch rover rover.launch. To start autonomous nodes, add start_auton:=true to the end of the previous command.

This procedure will start the rover’s software, but to control it from a basestation you need to read on.