
rover_navigation is our implementation / configuration of a move_base stack.


The config folder contains all of the yaml configuration for move_base. There are three files in it.


planner.yaml contains all of the configuration for the planners (global and local). For documentation on what the parameters in it mean, see the docs for base_local_planner and navfn.

local_costmap.yaml and global_costmap.yaml

These files contain the configuration for the local and global costmaps respectively. The documentation for them is in the costmap_2d package.

Internal Launch Files

Although the usage documentation only details one launch file, there are a lot of internal ones with more parametrization.


The move_base.launch file contains the launch spec for starting move_base itself. It contains two useful parameters, located on lines 6 and 7:

This sets the base_(global/local)_planner.


This is one of the most important files in the rover_navigation package. It contains the sensor fusion configuration. For documentation on how to configure it, see the documentation for robot_localization.


This file contains the parameters (but right now mainly just remappings) for the rtabmap visual odometry.


This file contains the parameters for rtabmap’s main node. Add mapping parameters here.