
rover_hw is the package which contains the HardwareInterface implementation for our rover. For more information on that, see either the internal documentation and/or the documentation for ros_control.

This package contains only one file defining the interface, but its structure is important

Hardware Extension Definition

Everytime we add a new hardware component with ros_control to the rover, a new hardware_interface “extension” is created in its package. For example, rover_drive has its implementation in src/drive_hw. This folder is built into a library, and that library needs to provide a class with the following methods:


init(hardware_interface::RobotHW *hw)

This method is called to initialize the hardware, as well as register any needed interfaces (e.g. JointStateInterface ) on the RobotHW instance.


This method should only update the interfaces with new values from the hardware, like encoders or limit switches. It is called before updating the controllers


This method should only write to the hardware with new values from the interfaces. It is called after updating the controllers.

hw_node.cpp structure

This file contains the implementation of HardwareInterface. The convention for creating extensions to it was defined above.

For each extension you want to add, you must add the containing package as a dependency in the package.xml and CMakeLists.txt file.

In the denoted sections in the file, the declaration of your class and calling of its methods should be added, see how the rover_drive package does it as an example.